
The program is free and any enrolled ECS students in Pre-K through eighth grades are eligible to participate. CROP runs from 2:30-5:00 every full school day, starting on Monday, September 18, 2023. Bus transportation home begins at 4:00 daily.  Please complete and return the registration form as soon as possible so that staffing will be in place for the first day of school.

CROP stands for Creating Rural Opportunities Partnership. CROP’s mission is to grow citizens who contribute positively to their communities.     

We provide the following in a safe and supportive after school and summer environment: Academic Support: Encouraging students to succeed academically through tutoring support, activities linked to school day learning and Math, ELA and STEM Programming. 

Youth Development: Helping students grow into positive citizens through enrichment such as community based service learning, arts, clubs, technology, nutrition classes, field trips, recreation and games and visits from community organizations. 

Family Engagement: Connecting families to their child's education through family nights and workshops and providing links to other helpful community supports.

Please contact Laura Porter with any questions at or call the school at (607) 965-8931. 

Registration Form

CROP Parent Handbook